Dear Arlington friends and neighbors,
Our stock of Black Lives Matter lawn signs are finally in. If you've been waiting to order from us, wait no more! See our brand new order form to request these as well as any of our other signs, magnets and posters.
If you've already placed an order for a BLM sign, someone will contact you soon to arrange delivery. Please note, due to increased demand, we've had to increase the price of signs to $10 each.
For each sign they take, we'll place two more. If you have had your BLM sign stolen or damaged, the AHRC is offering to replace and duplicate your sign, free of charge. Keep them both, or spread the message by sharing a sign with a friend or neighbor. If you've recently reported a stolen or damaged sign to us, or if you are filing a new report. please let the Commissioner assigned to you know you'd like to receive our 2-for-1 replacement.
Anyone wishing to contribute to the fund to replace signs may do so by mailing checks to: Attn: Jillian Harvey, AHRC
27 Maple Street
Arlington, MA 02476
Please make checks payable to the Arlington Human Rights Commission, with "BLM sign fund" written in the memo line.
Arlington values equity, diversity, and inclusion. We are committed to building a community where everyone is heard, respected, and protected.
Email: ahrc@town.arlington.ma.us
Phone: 781-316-3250
By Mail: 27 Maple Street
Arlington, MA 02476