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Arlington Human Rights Commission Logo


The AHRC generally meets on the third Wednesday of each month. The Arlington town website contains our minutes and agendas. All are welcome to attend our meetings.

Upcoming Events

  • Community Converstations - Racism and Reform
    Community Converstations - Racism and Reform
    Ongoing through July
    View links for registration
    Ongoing through July
    View links for registration
    Please see our blog post for details on the Town's ongoing series here

Past Events

  • Webinar: A Conversation on the Intersection of Guns & Hate
    Webinar: A Conversation on the Intersection of Guns & Hate
    Thu, Sep 23
    Sep 23, 2021, 7:00 PM
    Webinar (register in advance)
    What is the situation in Arlington and how can we work together to prevent gun violence? Register in advance:
  • Coffee with a Commissioner
    Coffee with a Commissioner
    Mon, Oct 26
    Oct 26, 2020, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
    Via Email
    Join us for our monthly virtual Coffee chats.
  • Coffee with a Commissioner - Virtual Event!
    Coffee with a Commissioner - Virtual Event!
    Aug 12, 2020, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    Zoom Meeting
    Join us once again as we host our monthly Coffee with a Commissioner. Meet with Commissioners to discuss issues of Human Rights in Arlington, share your thoughts and opinions, or simply listen. Register in advance for this meeting
  • Arlington Fights Back Rally
    Arlington Fights Back Rally
    Sun, Jul 26
    W. A. Peirce Field
    Jul 26, 2020, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
    W. A. Peirce Field, 869 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA 02476, USA
    Hear speakers including representatives from Arlington High School and Public Schools, and the Arlington Human Rights Commission at Pierce Field on Sunday 7/26 at 6:00 p.m. (raindate - Monday 7/27 at 6:00 p.m.)
  • Arlington BHM Film Festival showing of Glory (R)
    Arlington BHM Film Festival showing of Glory (R)
    Feb 26, 2020, 6:00 PM
    Regent Theatre, 7 Medford St, Arlington, MA 02474, USA
    See the Oscar wining film Glory (R) staring Denzel Washington, Matthew Broderick and Morgan Freeman. This screening is accompanied by a special presentation by the 54th Mass. Volunteer Infantry. Banner artist Joey James will also be in attendance. Free and open to the public.
  • Arlington BHM Film Festival showing of The Hate You Give (PG-13)
    Arlington BHM Film Festival showing of The Hate You Give (PG-13)
    Feb 18, 2020, 6:00 PM
    Robbins Library, 700 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA 02476, USA
    Showing of The Hate U Give (PG-13) with a screening of the Oscar nominated animated short Hair Love. Free and open to the public.
  • Arlington BHM Film Festival showing of Loving (PG-13)
    Arlington BHM Film Festival showing of Loving (PG-13)
    Wed, Feb 12
    Feb 12, 2020, 6:00 PM
    Arlington Center For the Arts, 20 Academy St, Arlington, MA 02474, USA
    Screening of Loving (PG-13), starring Joel Edgerton and Ruth Negga. Free and open to the public.
  • "Let's Have a Riot" Indoor Cycling Ride and Party
    "Let's Have a Riot" Indoor Cycling Ride and Party
    Jun 28, 2019, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
    Upbeat Cycling, 6 Schouler Court, Rear, Arlington, MA, USA
    NO NEED TO RSVP. In honor of the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, Upbeat cycling is hosting an indoor cycling ride and party. All are welcome (16+) and proceeds will be donated to GLAAD.
Solidarity Gathering for Center for Jewish Life of Arlington/Belmont

Arlington Town Hall
May 20, 2019

We gather in support and solidarity for the Jewish community and to empower us to take action against all acts of hate, bias and discrimination that so often lead to acts of violence.
There will be a sign-making station, candles and resources from the Anti-Defamation League and Facing History and Ourselves about community responses to incidents and education opportunities. We will also have a children's book selection with some discussion questions for any parents who need guidance or support in how to talk to their children about difficult event (or for children in attendance who may need to be occupied). 

Respond & Prevent: Empowering Young People in Aftermath of Hate

Bishop Elementary School
May 16, 2019

Please join us for a special dialogue to discuss how APS families, teachers, and staff can address, respond, and prevent incidents of hate and bias in our schools.

When incidents of hate, such as hate symbol graffiti, occur in our community, one of the first questions many people ask is, “What should we tell the children?” This interactive forum will provide educators, family members and other interested community members with guidance and recommendations for addressing hate incidents with our students. It will also explore ways that families and community members can partner with and support our schools to help prevent and respond to school-based incidents.

Double Take Storytelling Event

Arlington Town Hall
February 9. 2019

The Arlington Human Rights Commission invites you to our second annual community storytelling event:

Double Take Arlington: Stories That Make You Think Twice from the Arlington Community

Last year’s event drew several hundred Arlingtonians to Arlington Town Hall to hear the personal stories of eight members of the community. The goal of this project has been to help the Arlington community learn more about themselves and their neighbors. Our hope is that the more we learn about ourselves and our community, the stronger and more welcoming and understanding we will become.

Double Take Storytelling Workshop and Info Session

Arlington Senior Center
January 9. 2019


Want to learn more about Double Take and how to share YOUR story. Come learn about the event and learn how to hone and craft your story

Hate Has No Home Solidarity and Action Gathering

Arlington Town Hall
November 1, 2018

The Arlington Human Rights Commission invites members of the community to come together in support of the Jewish, immigrant and refugee communities and in action against hatred and bigotry of all forms. Please stop by the Town Hall Garden to light a candle, write a letter of support to the Squirrel Hill Jewish community in Pittsburgh, and contribute your ideas about how we can stand up to hate in our community and in the world. Hate Has No Home signs and bumper stickers will be available for purchase. PJ Library has donated a limited supply of social justice themed books that will be available for children and families. All are welcome to participate and contribute.

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Understanding Restorative Justice

Arlington Senior Center
October 13, 2018

The AHRC hosted a community conversation, “Understanding Restorative Justice,” to help the Arlington community learn, discuss, and grow in our understanding of restorative justice. Restorative Justice is a victim-driven alternative to the traditional criminal justice system, which has been adopted by several states and municipalities, including Massachusetts and Arlington. The goal is to get offenders to take responsibility for their actions, to understand the harm they have caused, and to negotiate a resolution to the satisfaction of all participants.

Solidarity Gathering in Response to Recent Hate Incidents

Arlington Town Hall
May 2, 2018

Please join the Arlington Human Rights Commission and the LGBTQIA Rainbow Commission in solidarity for an inclusive Arlington and against recent incidents of hate. Hate has no home in Arlington. Please bring signs and your neighbors and friends and children.

More details about the incident are here:

Recognizing Hate: Why Symbols Matter

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Arlington Town Hall

In the last year, Arlington, like many communities across Massachusetts, has seen symbols of hate appear on schools, homes and houses of worship. While such acts are deeply troubling, there are ways we can fight back. All members of the community are invited to join the Arlington Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) New England for this important conversation and the opportunity to learn about the history and meaning of these symbols.

Arlington Human Rights Commission

The AHRC strives to ensure the fair and equal treatment for all people who live, work and pass through our community.

Phone: 781-316-3250

By Mail: 27 Maple Street

Arlington, MA 02476

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© 2020 by Arlington Human Rights Commission. All Rights Reserved.

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